„Even now, what happened in and around Srebrenica 25 years ago
still leaves us speachless and appalled. The name of this Bosnian
town has been etched into our collective memory as denoting the
darkest chapter in the wars on the territory of the former Yugoslavia
in the 1990’s. The brutality and the scale of the murders of thousands
of Muslim boys and men here are without parallel in Europe since the
Second World War. It was genocide – that was the unequivocal finding
of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.“
Simonetta Sommaruga
President, Swiss Confederation
„Justice is a central tenant of the reconciliation, and it is vital that
efforts to support and strengthen all relevant accountability
mechanisms be continued. Today, we remember over 8,000 victims
of the massacre. So many lives forever and unjustly lost.“
Zoran Milanović,
President, Republic of Croatia
„In addition to the sincere condolences that I extend to them today,
and not for the first time, to the families of the Srebrenica victims and
to the few survivors, it is important to show them that we understand
their pain and that we do not allow a negation of the genocide that
indeed took place in Srebrenica. It did take place and it is no longer
necessary to prove, the world knows who perpetrated the genocide
in Srebrenica. For the sake of the future, and for the sake of the
present, it is important to say and acknowledge that the Serbian
people as a whole are not and cannot be guilty of the genocide, the
responsibility cannot be laid on most of the Serbian people or on
the Serbian people in general. Moreover, it is important to say that
all the perpetrators, the real perpetrators and the chief perpetrators
have yet to be punished. The responsibility of each and every one
of us is for the truth to be accepted and let the victims rest in peace.
However, our even greater responsibility is to accept the families of
the victims and the survivors as our equals, give them faith in the
existence of those human and European values, and not keep them
captive of the past.”
Zuzana Čaputová
President, Republic of Slovakia
„Bosnia and Herzegovina today, with the international community
is marking the 25th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, one
of the darkest chapters in the modern history of Europe. Therefore
I am sensitive to the fact that many Bosnian and Herzegovinian
citizens have a painful memory of the loss of their loved ones, or
the continuos efforts to find and identify them to this day. To the
victims I give respect in silence and to their families I express sincere
condolences in the name of the citizens of the Republic of Slovakia,
as well as in my own.“
Stefan Löfven
Prime Minister, Kingdom of Sweden
„Sweden will continue to work closely with those who are making
efforts to achieve lasting reconciliation. We will also continue to
support those working hard, trying to find the truth and to bring
justice, including by identifying and locating those who were killed.
It is painful to imagine still not being able to bury your loved ones
after 25 years. My heart goes out to those families. There is no
place for denial of the crimes committed during the war, nor for
the glorification of individuals who have been found guilty of those
crimes by the courts. It is the Swedish government’s firm view that
all acts and statements that diminish or deny genocide are deeply
disturbing and contrary to the most fundamental global values. The
international community failed to protect the victims in Srebrenica
at the time when they needed us the most. We failed them then, and
in order not to fail those who survived and coming generations, we
can never forget, and the guilty must be brought to justice.This can
never happen again.“
Carmel Agius
President IRMCT
„I regret that there is much work ahead. While the ICTY and the
Mechanism have delivered justice on an international scale, thousands
of alleged perpetrators are yet to be tried domestically, while their
victims continue to be tormented by those who attempt to deny their
lived experiences, and thereby their very existence. The revisionists
seek to bury the truth with the same ruthlesness that saw almost
8000 men and boys cut down in cold blood and thrown into shallow
pits. Despite this, I trust we will see better days. 25 years is not only
a significant period of time, it represents the maturation of an entire
generation and as the possibility of change. It is your children, the
voices of the present and the future who have the capacity and the
determination to create a different reality – if they choose. I am
confident that they will champion truth and justice in honor of the
victims we are commemorating today. But they will also need to set
aside hatred in order to affect a lasting transformation. With the
support of the international community and like-minded people of all
ages and ethnicities I am convinced that ultimately they will succeed.“
Serge Brammertz
Head Prosecutor, IRMCT
„The Srebrenica genocide was one of the darkest moments in recent
history. Another genocide in the heart of Europe just two generations
after the Holocaust. The world saw senior leaders use propaganda to
ignite ethnic hatred and to dehumanize the neighbours. Men at the
epics of power used then that power to terrorize and destroy simply
because the victims were Muslims. We know the result – the lives of
more than 7000 men and boys extinguished, 35000 women, children
and elderly terrorized and forced from their homes. A community
deeply tied to the land – simply eliminated.“
Pedro Sánchez
Prime Minister, Kingdom of Spain
„Spain will always be on the side of truth and solidarity with the
victims. We know very well from our own experience that in the
process of reconciliation, justice should go hand in hand with the
truth. Understanding and accepting the truth about the past is vital to
understanding the society in which you coexist, to achieving common
goals, and to creating a future on solid foundations. Reconciliation
requires political responsibility, respect, and especially empathy.
Ultimately, it seeks to acknowledge the pain of those others. It is a
difficult process, but necessary. It is a process in which everyone,
including victims, should participate. The genocide in Srebrenica
was committed by individuals who were convicted for it, it was not
committed by ethnic groups or nations. The citizens of BiH deserve
a reconciliation process that is real, not based on mere rhetoric.“
Mark Rutte
Prime Minister, Kingdom of the Netherlands
„The worst attrocity on European soil since the end of the Second
World War. 25 years ago, yet it feels only like yesterday. Because
the grief, anguish, and the loss of your sons, fathers and husbands.
Mothers continue to ask themselves what kind of man would my
sone have become. Would he have had a family of his own by now?
Questions that will never be answered. The pain and anguish too,
for the survivors of Srebrenica whose souls will always be so deeply
scarred by the terror they experienced, and the horror endured,
for the international community which was unable to protect a
vulnerable population from extreme agression and cruelty. For the
Netherlands which, as part of that international community, took on
a task that would forever connect it with Srebrenica. And for the men
and women of the Dutch UN Battalion who felt powerless in July 1995
and who are still haunted by those memories. But, sadly we can’t
change history – history changes us. And once more, Srebrenica will
never be a closed book because victims are still being identified. New
burials are still taking place in Potočari, and there are still mothers
searching for their sons. That is the hard truth – a truth we must
not, can not and will not ignore. So, we speak out whenever we
can against polarising language, glorification of war criminals and
genocide denial.“
Jeppe Kofod
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Denmark
„To many it has become something they read about in history
books – a cruel reminder of the capacity of man to inflict untold
suffering on fellow human beings. To the families of the victims it is
not history. They live with the loss every day. Young boys and men
were slaughtered, women lost their husbands, fathers, brothers and
sons. Women were themselves subject to brutal attacks and abuse.
Children were left orphans, families torn apart. Srebrenica was more
than a massacre. It was a genocide. It was the gravest crime against
humanity in Europe since the Second World War.“
Bill Clinton
former president of the United States of America
"Far too many people on earth today can personally identify with
the mothers, the wives and the children who lost loved ones at
Srebrenica. 25 years later we don’t seem to have learned very
much in a lot of places. Even as you have honored the difficult
political compromises of the Dayton accords and most crucially
kept the peace. It is more important than ever to remember that
in Bosnia and across the world real democracy requires a genuine
commitment to an inclusive society, including shared decision
making, a commitment to the rule of law and uncovering the hard
truths about the past so you can be free to make a different future.
I hope in the next 25 years, all citizens of Bosnia and all of us around
the world who wish you well, will remember the sacrifices of July
11th and work even harder than you have already to preserve and
strengthen the peace, to expand economic opportunity, to build an
inclusive future for your children and grandchildren.“
Boris Johnson
Prime Minister, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
“Many perpetrators still have not been held to account. And there
are those who would prefer to forget or deny the enormity of
what took place. We must not allow that to happen. We owe it to
the victims and to future generations to remember Srebrenica
and ensure it never happens again.”
Sauli Niinistö
President, Republic of Finland
„It is our shared duty and responsibility to always remember
Srebrenica, one of the darkest chapters in recent European history.
It is also our shared duty and responsibility to make sure that nothing
like this ever happens again. To bring past perpetrators to justice, we
must continue to fight against impunity of war crimes. To prevent
future atrocities, we must continue to fight against attempts to incite
hatred and violence. On this special day of remembrance, we stand
together with the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And we stand
together with you every day.
Muhyiddin Yassin
Prime Minister, Malaysia
„It was the worst genocide in Europe since the Second World
War. The agony and grief still reverberate in our hearts and
minds. Our thoughts and prayers are with more than 8,000
victims of the Srebrenica genocide. Again we extend our deepest
condolences to surviving family members and their loved ones. The
Srebrenica Memorial in Potočari will forever stand as testimony for
rememberance of this tragedy and its victims, for the strength and
fortitude of the survivors, for the importance of achieving justice and
accountability, and last but not least – for the need to sustain efforts
to fight and eliminate all propaganda, racial prejudices and hatred
among us human beings.“
Muhammed Mahatir
former Prime Minister, Malaysia
„Though many of today’s generation may not have heard od
Srebrenica, the designated UN safe-haven, Bosnia and Herzegovina
witnessed a bloody, ugly slaughter. Systematic extermination saw
some 8000 Bosnian Muslims who had saught refuge in the town of
Srebrenica become victims of total massacre by the Serbs which
went on for more than 5 days. Men and boys were forced to dig
their own graves before being shot or bludgeoned to death and then
thrown into the very same grave they had dug.“
Bojko Borisov
Prime Minister, Republic of Bulgaria
„On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the
Bulgarian people, allow me to join most sincerely in the grief the
relatives of the victims of the inadmissible and inhumane act of
violence committed 25 years ago in Srebrenica. This grim event
will be recorded as one of the most tragic chapters in the modern
history of mankind and will serve as a warning to all of us who show
responsibility and wisdom and never allow such atrocities to be
committed again in the modern democratic history of Europe or
elsewhere in the world.“
Hamdija Fejzić
, President of the Organizational Committee for Commemorating the 11th of July 1995 – Anniversary of the genocide against „UN safe zone“ Srebrenica Bosniaks
"We are here today, because our culture of remembrance dictates
that we do not forget and remind that the genocide against the
Bosniaks of Podrinje was committed in Srebrenica. We are here
today to send a message from this place where the genocide was
committed, in order to prevent Srebrenica 1995 ever happening
everagain to anyone. We are here today because of them, because
of us, because of our children to know and hear about the genocide
in Podrinje, to remember the victims, for generations to pass on the
truth to new generations and for that truth never to be forgotten.“
Ilham Aliyev
President, Republic of Azerbaijan
„The bloody crime committed against civilians in Srebrenica 25 years
ago will be remembered as one of the darkest pages of the 20th
century, immortalized in the history of mankind forever.
Emmanuel Macron
President, Republic of France
„I am speaking to you today to send a message of solidarity from
France, which still remembers and will always remember the
suffering which your country endured 25 years ago, in the darkest
hours which Europe has seen since the end of World War II. On
the 11th of July 1995 and the days that followed, one of the worst
tragedies in modern history occurred here in Srebrenica, Bosnia and
Herzegovina. France has not forgotten the more than 8,000 victims,
adults and children, who were murdered. It is with great emotion
that I want to greet the genocide survivors and their families, to
whom I extend my deepest sympathy. Despite the current health
crisis, it was essential that we come together to commemorate the
25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and pay tribute to the
victims. Srebrenica remains a painful symbol of the international
community’s failure to protect civilians when they were most in need
of help. This indelible stain on our collective memory compels us to
seek truth and justice.”
Ursula von der Leyen
President, European Commission
„Certain wounds can take decades to heal. After a quarter of a
century Srebrenica is still an opened wound in Europe’s conscience.
There are mothers who can never lay their children to rest. Displaced
families who have never returned to their homes. Survivors who
keep waking up in the dead of night. As a woman, mother and wife I
can only try to imagine the depth of your pain. My heart goes out to
you. It is difficult to even grasp the depth of this immense tragedy.
Today we mourn and we remember. We grieve together. We reflect
on our mistakes as we ask for justice. We work for reconciliation.
Today the entire world realizes that we failed in our responsibility to
protect those who were most in need of our protection.“
Charles Michel
President, EU Council
„By remembering, we renew our commitment to never let such
atrocities happen again. Such despicable acts go against our deepest
European values. A quarter of a century later, they are still shocking,
still almost inconceivable. Yet even today, we continue to hear similar
language that led to these shameful acts. Revisionists minimize,
or even deny the genocide. Others glorify war criminals. We have
a unique responsibility to lead by example. Only when all leaders
recognize the crimes that took place can the peoples of your country
finally heal and come together.”
Milo Đukanović
President, Montenegro
„It would be most accurate to say that the Srebrenica genocide can
be explained by the history that preceded it. The criminal ideas of
that kind have the strongest foundation in the ideologies of “greater”
nations. Such ideologies did exist and unfortunately still do in our
region. They are the source of evil and plight, and the platform for
the criminals to join around. As long as such ideologies live, as long
as they have the followers who negate the crimes committed and call
for new crimes, the danger of new plights will persist. The genocide
in Srebrenica is a disgrace for all those who did not prevent it - both
us and the international community. It is a testimony to the terrible
reality of a bloody war. It is an eternal admonition and a reminder
for all our nations that without the truth about the past, there is no
secure future.”
Erna Solberg
Prime Minister, Kingdom of Norway
„This terrible crime left deep scars in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well
as across the European continent. Today, we mourn the loss of the
many thousands of victims of the massacre in Srebrenica. Our hearts
and sympathy go out to their relatives. It is important to remember
this tragedy, and learn from it. We must fully acknowledge the past
if we are to heal the wounds and build a future – based on truth and
Xavier Bettel
Prime Minister, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
„We thought that 50 years after we discovered Auschwitz, Birkenau,
Dachau we would never again have such atrocities on our continent.
That is what we all said – and believed. 50 years later - 25 years ago
- we discovered what happened in Srebrenica. 8,000 people died in
a week. Why? We still have no answer to all the questions. We even
do not know the names of all the people who killed or have been
killed there – not yet. 25 years later still some family members are
missing. I had hoped that we had learned from the experience of
the Second World War.”
Šefik Džaferović
Šefik Džaferović, Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
„Today, 25 years later, awareness of the scale of the crime committed
and the mistakes made has been made known throughout the
civilized world. Srebrenica became a synonym for the suffering of
innocent people, and the crime committed was called by its only real
name - genocide. The anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide is now
being marked around the world. People on all meridians sympathize
with the families of the victims and our people. Today, you could also
hear messages from the leaders of the modern world, where there is
no dilemma about what happened in those days of July in 1995 and
who is responsible. These messages mean a lot to us and I take this
opportunity to thank all the presidents, prime ministers and other
officials who have expressed sympathy for the families of the victims
of genocide, and who have contributed to our fight for the truth.“
Stevo Pendarovski
President, Republic of North Macedonia
„The Srebrenica genocide took place 25 years ago, when more than
8,000 people, mostly men and children, were systematically killed
just because they were Bosniaks. This is, without a doubt, one of the
darkest events in modern European history for which there is no
rational justification. Some of the perpetrators have already faced
justice before the International Court of Justice. Some of the survivors
gained courage to look into the eyes of their executioners and to
forgive those who repented of their crimes. But many continue to
live with the horrific traumas further reinforced by the denial and
relativization of the truth about the crimes. The Memorial Center
and the Mothers of Srebrenica, through a clear message, testify of
the collective past and are the conscience of our generation. They do
not incite hatred, nor do they seek revenge, for it deepens injustice.
They only seek truth and justice as a precondition for peace.”
Thomas Greminger
Secretary General, OSCE
„Srebrenica today is an example of resilience, truth and justice for
the world. Your memories are still painful and we are not blind
to persistent problems and divisions in Srebrenica, and in Bosnia
and Herzegovina at large. But after years of struggling, much has
also been accomplished – in Srebrenica and beyond. We see that
relations in the community can be mended, and that accountability
for genocide and other war crimes is possible.”
Linas Linkevičius
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Lithuania
„The tragedy left deep lasting scars to survivors, to all of us.
Everything we do in the aftermath must be to ward off such events
forever. I call on all of you to unite lest such a tragedy happens in
the world again.“
Valentin Inzko
High Representative, OHR
„Unfortunately we are not able to commemorate the anniversary,
25 years since the genocide, in the manner we planned. But the
virus cannot prevent noble hearts throughout the world to gather
today to remember and pray for the victims of Srebrenica. Today
we are saying farewell to only nine victims, which are put to their
eternal rest. Unfortunately, they are still searching for mass graves
throughout the country. Therefore I ask all people who have
information to provide them to competent institutions. Regretfully,
we are also faced with the re-writing of historical facts, relativization
of crimes and even with the glorification of convicted war criminals.”
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
President, Republic of Turkey
“Although a quarter-century has passed since the Genocide, our
pain is still fresh. With every mass grave unearthed, our hearts are
once again torn out. The women still live in the hope of reuniting
with their husbands, while the children hope to be reunited with
their parents. There are mothers who are still waiting for the return
of their children after all this time.”
Papa Franjo
Unfortunately, the hatred that has contributed to this kind of bloodshed is
still too often present in different parts of the world. We hope that it will be
replaced by the works of those who strive to build a better future, a world
of peace for generations to come through a dialogue of understanding and
respect for others.
Imran Khan
Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan
„I remember the day very well, I remember when it happened, along
with most people who have feelings of humanity – we were shocked!
We were appauled at how in, what was a safe haven of the United
Nations peacekeeping force, how in a safehaven this was allowed –
this massacre was allowed to take place. We were all shocked, I still
remember when it happened, I still feel the shock how such a thing
could be allowed by the world community. I think it’s important for
us to learn lessons from that. The world community must never allow
such things to happen again.
Philippe Goffin
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defence, Kingdom of Belgium
„On behalf of Belgium and on behalf of the Belgian people, I want to
express my solidarity with children, families and friends of victims
whose lives were so brutally taken 25 years ago. We all have a duty
both to the victims and to future generations to ensure that crimes
like these never happen again. In order to prevent history from being
repeated, we must never forget what happened in Srebrenica. And
we must call what happened by its name: this was a genocide, as it
was established by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia. Many continue, however, to deny or to minimize the
Srebrenica genocide. The European Commission’s Opinion on Bosnia
and Herzegovina’s application for EU membership is very clear:
“Genocide denial and revisionism contradict the most fundamental
European values.” We must therefore react when genocides and
war crimes are denied. This is the reason why Belgium adopted a
law against denial, gross minimization, justification or approval of
genocides, crimes against humanity or war crimes recognized as
such by an international tribunal. The fight against impunity needs
also to be pursued, which means bringing all war criminals to justice.”
Ilir Meta
President, Republic of Albania
„What happened in Srebrenica 25 years ago was an act of genocide
of a scale unseen for our region and beyond. A tragedy that should
never had been allowed to occur. We shall never forget those
atrocities. July 11th 1995 marks an important milestone for us
all as we remember those who suffered unimaginable horrors in
the Srebrenica genocide. We all have to look at our own thoughts
and actions and how we must send a clear message to future
generations. It is our duty to lead the process of building a more
tolerant generation and a society free from pain, discrimination
and hatred.“
Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al-Saud
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
„On the ocassion of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide,
The Kingdom confirms its support, to the families of the victims of
the unjust genocide that claimed thousands of innocent lives. The
Kingdom also affirms its position towards respecting the leadership
and the unity of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian territory and we fully
support all avenues of peacful coexistence between all its peoples.“
Husein ef. Kavazović
reisu-l-ulema of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina
“All good people on all sides need to help Srebrenica by trying
to explain where the evil came from in order to understand it.
Srebrenica needs to be a place of remembrance not only of genocide
but of everything that happened to us in the 1990s.”
Queen Noor
Kingdom of Jordan, Commissioner of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP)
„Dear sisters and brothers, today we remember with love and respect
the lives of Srebrenica’s beloved fathers, brothers, sons... those who
will never be forgotten. Your loss 25 years ago is our loss, the world’s
great loss, a crime against humanity beyond imagination. I arrived
not long after to meet and mourn with the mothers of Srebrenica.
Wives, sisters and daughters of the disappeared. It was only then that
I could begin to understand the magnitude of your horrendous loss.
Over the past 20 years working with the International Commission
on Missing Persons, I’ve been privileged to witness love and admire
my sisters of Srebrenica - for your courage, dedication, compassion
and steadfastness in the face of immense pressures. In our work
with you and others to ensure that the victims of Srebrenica are
found and identified, together we have opened the way for the
perpetrators to face justice.“
Antonio Guterres
Antonio Guterres, Secretary General, United Nations
“The Srebrenica genocide was the worst atrocity crime on European
soil since the Second World War. Twenty-five years later, we pay
tribute to the thousands brutally murdered — and pledge to
never forget them. We share the grief of their families, including
those whose family members are still missing. And we re-affirm
our solidarity with the survivors. A quarter century ago, the United
Nations and the international community failed the people of
Srebrenica. As former Secretary-General Kofi Annan said, this failure
will “haunt our history forever”. Confronting that past is a vital step
towards rebuilding trust. Reconciliation must be underpinned by
mutual empathy and understanding. Reconciliation means rejecting
denial of genocide and war crimes and of any effort to glorify
convicted war criminals.”
Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister, Canada
„Today Canada joins communities and countries around the world to
pay tribute to the memory of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide.
This is a dark period of history that we must never forget. And as we
mark the 25th anniversary of this tragedy, we vow to remember and
honor those who unjustly suffered and lost their lives. To Bosniaks in
Canada and around the world: Canada stands with you and mourns
with you today. Thank you.”
Thomas Greminger
Secretary General, OSCE
„Srebrenica today is an example of resilience, truth and justice for
the world. Your memories are still painful and we are not blind
to persistent problems and divisions in Srebrenica, and in Bosnia
and Herzegovina at large. But after years of struggling, much has
also been accomplished – in Srebrenica and beyond. We see that
relations in the community can be mended, and that accountability
for genocide and other war crimes is possible.”
Borut Pahor
President, Republic of Slovenia
„Dear families of the victims, today I address you with a heavy heart,
on the day marking the anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica.
The past cannot be changed, but we can change the future. Truth,
not denial; respect, not hatred; open dialogue, not quarrells, are key
for the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Forgiveness and respect
for diversity are crucial. Reconciliation is not an act of the past. It is
a promise of coexistence and friendship that comes from a shared
Hassan Rouhani
President, Islamic Republic Iran
„As a bold stain on the face of contemporary history, the bitter
Srebrenica tragedy offers countless shocking lessons and examples
which could perhaps prevent unfolding of similar appalling incidents
if properly noted by the human community. Srebrenica teaches the
international community lessons on the necessity of committing to
justice, abstaining from violence and acting responsibly in defending
the rights of the wronged people.“
Alexander van der Bellen
President, Republic of Austria
„Today marks the 25th anniversary of the genocide against Bosniaks
in Srebrenica. Words cannot adequately describe the atrocities that
took place there in July 1995. More than 8.000 people were killed
during a few days in Srebrenica alone. Many more had to endure
acts of inhumane violence. This terrible massacre was the worst
crime against humanity in Europe since World War Two. My deepest
condolences go out to the survivors.
Giuseppe Conte
Prime Minister, Republic of Italy
“25 years ago, Europe was wounded at its heart. What happened
in Srebrenica was a defeat of our common values. Honoring their
memory is a moral obligation to us. Restarting from the respect
for humanity, recognizing the suffering of all the victims and
understanding that war is the most inhuman act are the starting point
of every common journey. That is why justice must take its course
and it is crucial to keep prosecuting all those who are responsible for
the atrocities that took place, because only if there is justice, it will be
possible to alleviate, at least partially, the overwhelming suffering of
those who are mourning innocent victims, to build the grounds for a
real national reconciliation and look forward to a future of prosperity
and integration. Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, many times in
history, were victims of immense atrocities, but in the confluence
of their cultures and their religions, they can truly represent what
Europe aims to be: a place where diversity means richness, where
human rights are upheld, and where old enemies can still reconcile
in the name of life.”
Tomáš Petříček
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
„25 years ago, in and around Srebrenica genocide was committed.
It happened just a generation ago, in our Europe... It is difficult to
imagine today. But, it was difficult to imagine then, but it happened!
Srebrenica will always remind us that there isn’t a time that is totally
secure and eliminates huge tragedies. We, as human beings cannot
forget that. Srebrenica remains a huge trauma for the citizens of
Bosnia and Herzegovina.“
Charles, Princ of Wales
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
“I have cared deeply for many years about all that your country and
the region have endured, and have followed with close interest and
particular sympathy the steps you have taken on the long, hard road
of reconciliation. I have greatly admired the difficult, but essential
work being carried out in Bosnia Herzegovina to address the legacies
of the past. And I have been deeply moved by the remarkable and
courageous efforts of those working tirelessly in pursuit of justice, to
rebuild trust, and to bring hope to their communities. The terrible
events of July 1995, confirmed as genocide by international courts,
are a dreadful stain on our collective conscience. The international
community failed those who were killed, those who somehow
survived and those who endured the terrible loss of their loved ones.
By remembering the pain of the past, and learning its lessons, we
can together resolve that it must never happen again.“
David-Maria Sassoli
President, European Parliament
„This was not only the gravest war crime in Europe since World
War II, it was also an act of collective failure that we must be deeply
ashamed of. The genocide of Srebrenica left deep emotional scars
on the survivors and created long-lasting obstacles to political
reconciliation among ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I
want to say, on behalf of the European Parliament: We share your
pain, and we will always stand with you in solidarity.”
Munira Subašić
President of the association “Movement of mothers of Srebrenica and Žepa enclaves”
„I would like to send a message to the war criminals: We will haunt
you and we will never stop in doing so, one of us will always haunt
you. It is our right and duty. Remember this, there isn’t a place where
we won’t find you and haunt you. I would like to send a message to
those who deny genocide: You won’t succeed! You will not tire us
or scare us. Generations of our children will continue our battle,
generations who are just like us, the mothers, not brought up on
hatred. “
Michael Pompeo
Secretary of State, United States of America
„The names of few places in recent history are so painfully etched
in the time as that of Srebrenica – the site of the worst massacre in
Europe since World War II. The United States pledges never to forget
that tragedy. We grieve with the families who tirelessly seek justice
for the 8,000 innocent lives lost, all these years later. And we stand
with our great friends in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A generation, it’s
hard to believe. A generation has come of age since that horrific day.
Those of us who remember what happened a quarter century ago
must build a more peaceful, prosperous, and democratic future for
that generation. Let’s build a future that will benefit all peoples –
regardless of race or religion – and unite us in shared values based
on individual rights.”
Marija Pejčinović Burić
Secretary General, Council of Europe
„It is difficult to capture in words the experience, impact and trauma
of the Srebrenica genocide. What happened 25 years ago was terrible
beyond words. Civilization itself collapsed and the thousands who
were killed and the thousands more who were displaced are the
terrible evidence of humanity at its worst. What was done can never
be undone, and just a quarter-century later, the reality of Srebrenica
is still raw and tangible.“